During this 2-hour (2 CPD credits) online-learning seminar you will gain insights as to the role of vagal control and stimulation using a chiropractic approach, and practical tips and advice on how to fix leaky gut using anti-inflammatory foods, supplements and life style changes.
In this module Jeroen (Jay) Postma (chiropractic neurologist) teams up with top dietician Reineke Koldewijn-Erdbrink (RD) (specialised in gut flora and anti-inflammatory foods) to explain how to fix leaky gut and inflammation. During this 2-hour (2 CPD) module you will gain insights as to the role of vagal control and stimulation using a chiropractic approach, and practical tips and advice on how to fix leaky gut using anti-inflammatory foods, supplements and life style changes. You will be amazed at the useful information and insights you will gain during this webinar! See more details below:
You will be able to pause the video any time you want -or review any specific section of the seminar. At the end of the lecture, you will be invited to take the exam. You need to pass with 85% to claim your CPD credits.
**Please note CPD credits apply to ECCE members, GCC registered chiropractors can use hours as usual.
Reineke Koldewijn-Erdbrink, owner of Simply the Right Food, is a Registered dietician (RD) with a naturopathic approach and is also a orthomolecular (gut flora) therapist.
Jeroen (Jay) Postma is a chiropractor and functional neurologist, trained by the Carrick Institute and are Diplomates of the American Board of Functional Neurology (DACNB). He has ample experience as chiropractor, teacher and lecturer.
**Use code CHIROHUB for 10% off**