To see the flyer with information about all 4 seminars in the series click here
· Functions of the Mesencephalon
· The Neurology of the Moro Reflex
· Functions of the Medulla, its developmental and relevance
· Neurology of the Fear Paralysis Reflex
· Functions & anatomy of the Pons
· Polyvagal theory –the brainstem neurology and the Engage, Mobilise and Freeze responses
· What is interoception where is the Insular, the relationship between low interception and austism
· Trauma and its effects on the developing brain
· Adverse Childhood Experiences
· The Cell Danger Response and its interactions with the Autonomic nervous system
Seminar Saturday
· Assessment of Mesencephalon function with demonstration and practical
· Implications and assessment of the Moro Reflex
· Assessment of the Medulla with demonstrations and practical
· Polyvagal Theory and the development of the FPR and Moro
· Assessment of the Pons with demonstration and practical
· Connecting the brainstem with the cortex and cerebellum – what are these tests telling us?
· Therapeutic options for Interoception
· Sensory then Motor Interventions for the Moro, Demonstration and Practical
Seminar Sunday
· Developmental Neuropsychology and Attachment styles
· Rehabilitation of the medulla, including neurology of direct vagal nerve stimulation and activities such as breathing and cold water exposure
· Rehabilitation of the Pons including neurology of Trigeminal nerve neuromodulation
· Interventions for the Dorsal Vagal and Fear Paralysis Reflex, Demonstrations and Practical including Cranial manual therapy and its effect on the brainstem
· Ventral Vagal Interventions for Social Engagement
· Presentation of Cases Shelley & Darren have seen and / or Live case demonstration if possible, with a focus on the polyvagal approach
**This is part 3 of a 4 part series. Please see other listings for full details of each seminar**